Initially I wasn’t sure how long to stay in Taiwan, I thought two weeks would be good at first, but in order to properly do Taipei, the stuff around Taipei, as well as get around the whole island, my research indicated three weeks was preferable. Fortunately the planning was extremely easy as everywhere I wanted to go was easily accessible by bus or train. And with Taiwan being only at 1/3 of its pre-covid numbers, everything was easy to book at last second, which I love. For this post I’m just going to post photos with captions, the order of the photos is clockwise around the island, so starting with the less densely populated east coast. First stop: Hualien and the Taroko Gorge
Thoughts: This was a really nice section. The Taroko Gorge as well the coastline was great, riding a bicycle in the rice fields of Chishang was lovely, the beach in Kenting was a good place to relax, snorkeling with the turtles and riding a scooter around the island of XiaoLiuQiu was fantastic, and I thought Kaohsiung was a surprisingly nice, well put-together, modern city that seemed to do all the small things right. I guess the only disappointment was the scuba diving on the island, that was pretty lame. Oh well. And meeting any new people in the hostels was difficult. But overall the diversity of the scenery in Taiwan is certainly one of it’s strongest suits.